Professional Chantilly Deck Builders and Contractors

Trustworthy Patio and Deck Construction Services in Virginia

Free Deck Design Consultation

Residents of Chantilly know deck builders from Distinctive Deck Designs will add pleasure to their lives and value to their homes with improvements on existing structures or by adding a deck to their outside areas. Our patio builders can also upgrade your backyard with new patio construction. The Distinctive Deck Designs team has been upgrading homes since 1990, bringing investment value to owners as well as the finest in outdoor living pleasure with our high-quality patio building expertise. When you call Distinctive Deck Designs, you know you’re getting a professional and knowledgeable patio builder every time.

If you have a home in Chantilly, a deck builder from Distinctive Deck Designs can help increase its value. The National Association of Realtors and Remodeling Magazine’s 2010-2011 Cost vs. Value Report says that the building of a deck or patio of any kind is one of the best investments a homeowner can make; recouping approximately 66 percent to 73 percent of its cost in resale value. Our builders are ready to get to work for you. Let our experienced contractors design and build the perfect outdoor living space for your home.

  • Front and screened-in porches
  • Sunrooms
  • Gazebos and cabanas
  • Fireplaces and fire pits
  • Walkways, borders and entrances
  • Lighting design
  • Railings, gates and furniture
  • Single or multi-level designs and landscaping

We know residents of Chantilly deserve deck construction experts that can create an atmosphere of solitude perfect for entertaining family and friends. Our builders bring professionalism to every job, and are the right choice for top quality deck construction and patio building. Distinctive Deck Designs is an industry leader in innovative designs and proven building techniques at highly competitive prices.

According to, deck building is considered a high-return item and a smart investment move in today’s economy. What are you waiting for? If you live in Chantilly, the deck building experts at Distinctive Deck Designs await your call!

Begin enjoying your outdoor space with an upgrade or new construction. Deck building is one of the top five projects that improve a home, based on an annual survey of realtors across the country by Remodeling Magazine. Let our experts add value to your home. Check us out online at or call us at 703.263.9634 for a free consultation and quote.

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